Inside Neck Label Printing Guide
For many, custom t-shirt printing is a fairly straightforward business. That’s to say, you have a design, artwork or a logo, and get it printed on the front of a plain shirt. However, there are some less well-known aspects to the craft of creating high quality screen printed garments. For example, the neck label or inside neck print. Which is a method of labelling your shirts with print inside the neck rather than tags sewn into the collar or seam. Below, our inside neck label printing guide explains the ins and outs of this rather neat alternative. Something which is well worth reading if you need a free neck print guide template.
Neck label options.
There are a number of permutations for printing inside the neck of a tee. In some circumstances, the neck tag artwork might consist of nothing more than your logo. In others, it might also need to include the garment size. Beyond that, textile content, care instructions and more could be added to what information is required on a neck label for your particular screen printing project. We’ll look in detail at these options.

Printing inside neck labels

Adds something special to custom t-shirts
Inside neck print everything.
This is the approach to take when you want to go label free with your custom tees. We’re talking the works, full monty, everything necessary on a printed neck label. An example of the information to include:
- Your brand – logo and possibly website.
- Size of the shirt.
- Fabric composition – 100% cotton for instance.
- Care instructions.
- Country of origin.
Let’s have some explanation of the above. Clearly, you want your t-shirt to be branded. And having size is a practical necessity for most people. However, it’s worth noting that fabric composition is a legal requirement on clothing in the UK. The responsibility for which lies with both manufacturer and retailer.
Interestingly, care instructions are not mandated. But it is highly advisable to have this information included with garments. Particularly with custom clothing where washing etc can be influenced by the decorative element.
As a rule, country of origin should refer to where the shirt is manufactured rather than printed – so ‘Made in Britain’ if actually made here. Although you could also state something like ‘Printed in London’ in our case. The UK government website has further details on legal requirements for textile labelling.

Keep the fabric content label

Neck label with supplier size tag

Care instructions and inside neck print
Printing an inside neck label with logo only.
Of course, you may not feel the need to include everything on the inside neck print. Above, we’ve shown some Stanley Stella blank garments to illustrate this approach. As you can see, the neck size label is discrete and perfectly serviceable. And the labelling sewn into side seam could be retained to provide other important information. Not least, fulfilling legal obligations. It certainly affords more scope with neck artwork. That’s to say, the printing can concentrate on your business and branding. Specifically, your logo centre stage in the spotlight.
General guidance for inside neck label printing.
Below, we’ll consider other factors that are relevant for this type of customisation.
Adding shirt size with printed neck label.
Basically, there are two options if you want to include size. You can display all sizes in your range on the neck tag. Small, medium, large and so on. Then place some sort of marker (a dot for example) under that which relates to the specific shirt. This is the most cost effective way of screen printing size because it requires a single screen. To explain, all sizes are on the screen but those not applicable can be blocked out.
Alternatively, you can state an individual size. Let’s say ‘medium’ for argument’s sake. Whilst some folk prefer this method there is a drawback insofar as it is more expensive. The reason being that individual sizing requires more screens, one for each size.

All sizes on the inside neck print

Specific size on the neck label
What is the best colour for neck tags?
Mid grey is one of the most commonly used colours for inside neck printing. Obviously, this depends to a large extent on which colours you’ve chosen for the blank t-shirts. Mid grey print on a mid grey tee may not be all that visible but can work on white or darker shirts. When all is said and done, there needs to be enough contrast between ink and material colours for easy reading.
Removing supplier labels.
Using inside neck print or even adding customised sewn labels may require the removal of existing woven labelling on garments. It’s something which falls under our garment finishing services. Prices are dependent on the blank t-shirts that are being printed and the particulars of what is removed.
Neck tag minimum orders and cost.
There is a minimum order of 50 garments for a standard neck tag print run. Producing fewer than this is not commercially viable because of the nature of screen printing. However, it’s 50 per size in instances where stating individual size is required. This also applies to each fibre type where you have shirts made with different materials and composition is being printed. And again, as with woven label removal, costs can vary depending on the specific requirements of your project.
What size print for neck tag?
Unlike the majority of traditional woven labels, your print can make full use of the space afforded by the collar. Obviously, this size and space alters with the style and sizing of shirt. Generally, a ‘safe’ zone measures 7cm x 7cm but that can be bigger in certain circumstances.
Inside neck label non-starters.
As with most things in life there are occasions when a printed neck label simply isn’t going to work. We’ve noted some of these below:
- Very thin t-shirts – the inside print may shown through on the outer surface.
- Fleece lined garments such as some sweatshirts and hoodies – the material simply isn’t conducive to print.
- Knitwear – again, many knitted garments don’t provide a brilliant surface for custom print especially with small details.
Bespoke woven labels or even a hem print are possible alternatives with these sort of garments. It’s all about finding the right answer for your needs, product and business with custom branded clothing.
The appeal of an inside neck label.
There’s no doubt that this form of custom label has become increasingly popular in recent years. One of the main reasons is that it can look sensational and add a unique visual impact to a shirt – as much a marketing tool as anything else. That’s to say, your logo shows in a different way through the window of the collar. It’s there, big and bold. Intriguingly visible, whether the shirt is ironed and folded or hanging on a rail. In purely practical terms, print is also less likely to have the ‘scratchiness’ sometimes experienced with stitched labels.
More than all of that though, neck print brings an obscurely ‘premium’ feel to products. Seeing your brand artwork printed on the inside of a tee is an oddly captivating thing. Somehow more special than a standard piece of fabric sewn into the collar.