Woven Labels Guide for Custom Clothing

Woven Labels Guide

The printing and embroidery is obviously your first priority with customisation. But you may well want to add value once you’ve got your high quality printed t-shirts and apparel sorted out. And one of the obvious ways of doing that is a label with your branding. As a rule, we find customers find it preferable to supply their own custom labels for us to attach. In truth, that’s perfectly understandable. Because woven labelling is like most things these days. That’s to say, there are a plethora of possibilities. And dealing directly with the label manufacturer makes it easier to get precisely what you want. However, we can still help. Put you in touch with reputable label suppliers for example. Plus, provide useful tips and information such as this woven labels guide for custom clothing.

Why use woven fabric labels?

It’s fair to say that woven fabric labels have a certain cachet to them. Insofar as they’re a recognised method of branding. For many, they bring an air of established quality to apparel. In practical terms, they’re also durable and not subject the fading you can sometimes experience with neck print. For context, some wholesale blank t-shirts and clothes are label-free and others have a manufacturers label in the collar. If necessary, we can usually remove existing labels in order to add a bespoke branded version. As mentioned, there is a variety of custom textile labels. Below, we’ll examine options.

Woven Labels for Custom Clothing

Woven Labels for Custom Clothing

The purpose of labelling.

Before going too much further it’s worth briefly looking at the reasons for labelling your custom product. Firstly, there are what could be thought of as marketing reasons. That is, your brand identity and things like logo and associated messaging, your website and so on. This is where many think that custom labels really add value. Secondly, there is what could be considered the functional labels. By which we mean care instructions, fibre content and things which are mandatory.

There are different ways of approaching this aspect of customisation. For example, with neck print you might want to include everything and go label-free. Alternatively, you could retain the supplier labels where they cover the obligatory information. Leaving the opportunity to focus custom woven labels on your brand identity. At the end of the day, the decision depends on what works with your design concept, target market and budget.

Types of woven label.

So, let’s look at options for woven labels that are typically utilised for brand name and logo. Below, there are some which are available from one of the major UK custom woven label suppliers, a company we’ve worked with for many years.

Woven recycled polyester labels.

An environmentally friendly choice that’s certified by the Global Recycled Standard (GRS). There is also an antibacterial recycled polyester version of these which clearly has practical and ethical attraction.

Woven natural fibre labels.

Another one that’s eco-ethical. And with a selection of fibre options such as cotton, bamboo, hemp, linen and silk. Plus a little polyester in the blend for durability.

Whilst having sustainable appeal, the above generally also have a minimum order of 1000 pieces. Which may be a consideration, depending on your business model.

Satin fabric labels.

Smooth and shiny, these labels have a classic feel to them. And one that could be great combined with printed t-shirts and clothing designed with a vintage vibe. Incidentally, they’re available in a huge range of thread colours.

Woven broadloom labels.

Again, a traditional style. With lower definition and a more basic weave, they’re versatile and popular. By the way, they’re also known as jacquard labels. Once more, lots of colours.

Damask labels.

Now, there are various choices in damask labelling. Notably, high definition and super weave damask are excellent for small detail. It’s fair to say that the textured variety have high visual impact. Textures include herringbone, grosgrain and dots to name a few. On the whole, damask labels are a deluxe product and therefore ideal if your brand is high end.

Over-weave taffeta.

Think bold and with more depth and you’re in the right place with this one. Certainly worth considering if you want to add body to your logo without getting overly bulky.

Tax tab woven labels.

Smaller at 20mm to 25mm wide, these are often sewn into an external seam to enhance a printed or embroidered logo. As the name might suggest, commonly used as an additional touch for quality custom workwear.

At 500 pieces, the above have a smaller minimum order requirement than the eco labels. Generally speaking, woven labels small quantities tend to be around this mark.

Custom woven labels UK no minimum.

Custom woven labels UK no minimum?

Common questions about woven labels.

Clearly, there are plenty of other aspects to woven labelling. Below, we’ve collated some of the most commonly asked questions.

Can you get custom woven labels UK no minimum? Most label manufacturers will have some sort of minimum. Albeit very low in some instances. However, it’s worth bearing in mind that you’ll usually pay for the privilege, so as to speak. In effect, the unit cost will be noticeably more than when buying in larger volumes. After all, every company needs to turn a profit.

How do you put woven labels on clothes? Relabelling is the common term for it. Which means firstly unpicking and removing the existing tag if present. The custom label can then be sewn in. Naturally, with matching thread and as skilfully as possible so as to create a professionally finished product. It’s simply a case of neat attachment in instances where stitching cannot be unpicked.

What is the best size for a woven label? They come in various sizes but the best size for woven label is ultimately that which suits the garment. And the design of your logo of course.

Are woven labels better than printed labels? Well, in many ways it’s a matter of personal preference. And what feels most appropriate for your business and branding concept.

Questions of quality.

Always a big consideration. As we’ve said, customers generally prefer to supply their own woven labels for us to attach. Which is entirely acceptable and the most efficient way of dealing with the matter. However, it is important to realise that the labels provided need to be fit for purpose. To explain, low quality labels can present difficulties in attachment and cause misalignment and inconsistencies with the finished product. As customisation specialist we provide high quality garment finishing. So, we need suitable components with which to work.

Well, there we are, some useful information about woven custom clothing labels UK availability and options. Get in touch if they’re part of your next printing or embroidery project. We have years of experience and can help with this or anything else to do with creating fantastic branded clothing.

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